Monday, November 19, 2012

Most people aren't interested in Windows 8, massive survey finds

Critics of?Windows 8?have been quite vocal, but just how deep does the public's reticence to adopt Microsoft's new OS run?

Pretty deep, apparently.

A new survey conducted by PC security firm Avast found that of 135,329 U.S. PC users, 70 percent don't plan to upgrade.

Avast polled 350,000 users of its antivirus software worldwide. Of the U.S. respondents, 65 percent used?Windows 7, 22 percent still used Windows XP, and 8 percent has yet to upgrade from?Windows Vista.

The survey revealed a general apathy or disinterest toward Windows 8 in the U.S.

To learn more and to read the entire article at its source, please refer to the following page, Most people aren't interested in Windows 8, massive survey finds-

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