Friday, April 12, 2013

Treat Your Day As a Series of 15 Minute Blocks to Get More Done

Treat Your Day As a Series of 15 Minute Blocks to Get More DoneScheduling tasks is a good skill, but creating a flexible schedule is a great skill. Leadership coach Jason Womack over at explains how to treat your entire day as a set of fifteen-minute slots to make your to-do list more flexible.

Womack suggests breaking up your entire day into 96 different 15 minute blocks, then maintaining a list for tasks that can be done in a short amount of time. This gives you ability to stay productive during the little spaces between your major appointments.

Take out a piece of paper and up on top write down "If I had 15 minutes I would..." and then fill it up. Give yourself five or ten or fifteen things. When you're suddenly surprised with an open block of time, the last thing you wanna have to do is think about what you have to do.

The entire video is worth a watch and it's only about two minutes long. It can even be the first thing you put on your "If I had 15 minutes" list. Hit the link below to check it out.

How 15 Minutes Can Fix Your Time Management | Inc

Photo by Images_of_Money


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