Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Healing With Affirmations - New Publication Released by Mike ...

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Four-team college football playoff is approved

WASHINGTON, D.C. ? Across a stage stood the men of college football revolution, clad in gray suits and conservative ties, their words harkening to a time when sports were a simpler place and 21st- century money didn't demand a pro sports solution to the quandary of determining a champion.

"What took you so long?" the BCS Presidential Oversight Committee was asked on the day it approved a college football playoff.

"We're presidents," one finally said.

That is why no one should view Tuesday's approval of a four-game playoff as an the entrance to something more. Getting the presidents to four games took enough work. Getting them to eight or 16 or 24 probably is impossible. At least for the 12 years this current contract lasts. Four is four.

Asked what broke his resolve to keep football forever locked in a bowl system, Virginia Tech President Charles Steger said the sport "needed to be more energized."

This is not an endorsement for wild change. The men who made the playoffs happen will not step further into an abyss they do not want. Their world is one of professors and academics. They don't watch sports with the same zeal as the fans who live for Saturdays in autumn. They see December exam schedules and second semesters that start in January. They don't want football to become a two-semester sport.

[Related: Les Carpenter: Presidents sign off on four-team playoff system]

And they live in terror of concussions.

It was clear Tuesday the presidents see football's looming concussion crisis in a different way than their athletic people. Conference commissioners at the Dupont Circle Hotel expressed the same requisite concern over player safety as their NFL counterparts, quickly brushing off the topic with suggestions that more study is needed. Several presidents in the room sounded far more alarmed.

"For me, [the concussion issue] is major," Oregon State President Ed Ray told Yahoo! Sports after the announcement. "To say it's easy to add games, I don't think so."

Football fans might not care much about the concussion issue that is raging in the NFL now, but college presidents still read newspapers. Many of them oversee departments that study concussions. Their social circles include scientists whose primary pursuit is the brain. Extra playoff games mean extra chances to get hurt. Extra chances to get hurt mean lawsuits and a lifetime of guilt that perhaps they signed off on something that extended the danger farther than it should have gone.

"I think that's the biggest worry we all have in making this decision," Nebraska Chancellor Harvey Perlman told Yahoo! Sports. "That's a deal-killer for many presidents, I think."

Several times in recent years, when the talk turned to a football playoff, the presidents said they raised concern about head trauma, also asking about other conditions such as serious knee and neck injuries that could lead to complications later in life. The data about former players suffering early-onset dementia and Alzheimer's bothered them in ways it might not have disturbed others.

They said questions were raised when they agreed to add a 12th game to the regular season, and those worries only increased when suggestions of eight- and 16-team playoffs came up. The idea of players risking injury in as many as four extra games was too much, and so the playoff conversations stopped until something more manageable could be found.

"I don't think there was much enthusiasm to go beyond four teams," Perlman said.

[Also: Les Carpenter: FCS player's incredible catch caught NFL team's attention]

"That was one of the things I was worried about," Steger said when asked about concussions, adding that he was only comfortable with a four-team playoff.

In many ways college football has dodged the NFL's concussion debate. Lawsuits generally have focused on professional team's responsibilities even though most NFL teams rarely run heavy contact practices during the season while college teams take advantage of huge rosters and encourage their players to tackle as if they were playing in games.

More playoff games mean more practices. More practices mean more chances for players to bang their helmets into each other or on the ground. And more helmet hits means more concussions. That is basic? math few of the presidents are ready to consider.

"It doesn't take a rocket scientist to say this is a different sport than many of the others," Ray said. "This isn't like baseball where you can play lots of games."

He stopped and looked around the room at the other presidents and conference commissioners who were discussing the details of a playoff that probably will not grow any bigger anytime soon.

"You know," he said. "It's not all about the money."

That was something to understand about the men who agreed to change the game Tuesday. They're never going to go as far as everybody else wants.

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How Animals Can Help With Senior Care

When it comes to senior care, animal therapy can provide significant benefits that few types of medical or other therapeutic strategies can rival. However, a large amount of the recorded improvements observed during interactions between seniors and animals remain unexplained. Nevertheless, it's not something that needs explaining; for many people, animal therapy just works, and it might work for your elderly family members as well. The following are 5 ways that pet therapy for seniors can improve their quality of life.

1.) Companionship

One of the biggest difficulties facing the elderly is loneliness. In fact, many people believe that because humans are such highly social creatures, loneliness can actually lead to a decline in emotional and physical health. Animal companionship fills this empty gap in a senior's life. If cared for properly, animals can provide constant companionship, affection, and in some cases even improve mobility issues by helping a person stay active.

2.) Keep Busy/Distraction

Elderly people with dementia or chronic pain can benefit from animal therapy because the interaction with a pet can help to distract them from their discomfort and focus their mind on other things. Animals provide plenty of reason to do more than just watch television, stare out the window or sleep. In fact, because animals are sometimes known to be able to sense emotional upset or physical discomfort, they may actively seek to engage their owners when they sense this, providing reassurance and a warm, welcome distraction.

3.) Healthy Routines

As we age the routines that we keep tend to change. With kids no longer in the home and in some cases no spouse or other family to care for, the elderly sometimes stop following any routine at all -- an unhealthy choice as the mind and body need to stay active in order to maintain their functions.

Like humans, animals also function well with a routine. They need to be taken out to relieve themselves, fed, groomed and interacted with on a regular, several-times-a-day basis. When an elderly person has a pet, they often find it much easier to maintain a routine because they MUST do so in order to care for their animals.

The need to care for other living beings is a critical human need, so a pet-related routine shouldn't be looked at as a hindrance or bother -- it could prove extremely beneficial because it will allow the pet owner to have something to care about/for again, giving new meaning to their life.

4.) Emotional & Physical Connection

A common problem with many seniors is withdrawal from relationships and social interaction; especially when dementia is present. Having an animal or taking part in pet therapy can help to mitigate this serious concern, as seniors often take readily to animals whereas they may withdraw even from people they have known their entire lives. Having emotional connections is critical for sound mental health.

Additionally, just the act of petting or playing with a pet can provide that critical need that all humans have for physical affection with a being that they care about.

5.) Longer Life

Many studies and a great deal of anecdotal evidence suggest that people who have pets live longer. This seems to be especially true in the case of elderly people, as keeping a routine, having companionship and an emotional connection with an animal can help to improve their physical health. And if their health improves, then it's likely that they'll live longer, better-quality lives.

Click here to speak to a professional provider of senior care services. Click here for the original source of this article:

Keywords: senior care,in home care,Pittsburgh senior care,senior care in Pittsburgh

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

This Fanless Heatsink Is The Next Generation In CPU Cooling

sandia-heatsink-impeller-cooler-cutawayCPU fans have a certain steampunkian quality to them. They're loud, annoying, and collect all sorts of debris as they run, whirring endlessly and eventually failing. This new heatsink - more like an impeller coupled with a brushless motor - is the latest in heatsink technology and promises quiet and efficient heatsinkery in the future. Built by Sandia, this cooling system could cool CPUs or even lighting. Because it consists of only three pieces - the fins, the base, and a motor - the headsink could offer maintenance free cooling for years. It actually blows dust out of its own crevices as it spins and with the right calculations you could make this bigger or smaller for various implementations.

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Columbus HVAC Q/A - HHR Heating & Cooling Solutions

Lots of people have pets, and they are a great addition to your family. However, pet ownership has one very obvious drawback: dander. The fur, dry skin cells and other debris that pets carry around flakes off their bodies and onto your furniture and rugs. The also means they inevitably wind up in your air, recirculated through your whole house via your Columbus HVAC system.

Or at least, that?s what happens if you don?t have an air cleaner or some sort of air filtration system. This leads many pet owners to ask, ?what is the best air cleaner for me??

With all the choices in air cleaners, the choice can seem daunting. If the goal is specifically to filter out pet dander, it becomes somewhat easier.

Pet dander is quite large in size relation to other indoor air pollutants, so many air cleaners are equipped to do the job. You can use an air cleaner with a standard pleated HEPA filter, or one that uses electrostatic technology. You will want to make sure that the HEPA filter is rated to handle pet dander. A MERV rating of 8 or more is recommended.

Once you have an air cleaner installed, make sure to change or clean the air filter frequently, in accordance with manufacturer instructions. A clogged air filter won?t help eliminate pet dander from your household air and can actually degrade the operation of your HVAC system?s air handler.

In addition to installing a high quality air cleaner with a HEPA filter, you can also help reduce the amount of pet dander floating around your home by keeping the place clean. Vacuuming often and dusting hard surfaces weekly keeps pet hair and dander from being drawn up into the HVAC system, which reduces wear on the air cleaner.

For more tips on how to improve the air quality or HVAC system in your Columbus home, give?HHR Heating & Cooling Solutions a call today!

Tags: Air Cleaners, Columbus, Indoor Air Quality, Pataskla, Pickaway County, Plain City

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Fluorescent Bulbs Used Properly Can Save ... -

What would we all do with out electric powered lights and lightbulbs. We in this day and age, simply enter into a room and immediately reach out for the switch. Lights are just a vital part of how we live. Walking down a dark street is part of days gone by. Regarding fluorescent lights, where would most likely we be without them, the most power effective light bulbs, will be fluorescent light bulbs.

There are lots of lamps in the marketplace these days. Actually there are amazing types like halogen light bulbs and fluorescent bulbs. A wrong understanding, concerning fluorescent lights is the fact that individuals think by using fluorescent bulbs, you do not have to turn off lights to conserve energy. Actually, it is recommended that you switch off fluorescent lights when you are out of a room for more than about 15-20 minutes.

1. The initial misconception is, that to start a fluorescent takes more power to put on than it requires to run it.

2. The second misconception is that turning a neon bulb on / off will wear it out.

Like numerous common myths concerning conserving power, there is a small amount of truth. Observe, that regular switching on / off of fluorescent lamps has little impact for a electricity bill. Fluorescent light bulbs have a life, according to how many hours they may be left on each time they are activated. This is usually called burn time, and these lamps or tubes burn time, is three hours.

Electric lights have a rating based on anticipated lifespan, as does fluorescents. Bear in mind operating a light when it is not necessarily required is merely not good or smart, in nowadays where power is our top priority. Do not spend unwisely as well as for no reason at all. With rapidly rising of electrical energy bills, we all need to take a great look at when and how we switch lights on.

With the hard-to-find to the difficult to envision as well as distinctive, Microlamp is really a leader in the retail light bulb company. There focus is specialized lighting products as well as accessories. Visit and discover a variety of general-lighting bulbs an incredible selection for you the customer. So if you find yourself by having an empty socket, you will find this on-line store with its massive choice of goods will meet your requirement.

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Potency problems can always be solved ? Leeel Ementary Directory

If you procure any problems with potency, which do not pass in excess of a period of time, then you should hunt for help from a doctor. If you have several times felt the lack of potency in a strong excitation, then you may have arisen such disorders as erectile dysfunction. In sorority to strike out this thank, you need to shoot up a soporific that is already in assorted years portion men deal with erectile dysfunction. This soporific, you can generic Cialis online Department store, in order to expel the side effects of erectile dysfunction. To do this you really needfulness to pass a few minutes of your time. The sedative, which you can secure viagra against is much cheaper than the same rigid product that you can buy in a even pharmacy. The assess contradistinction is that in the usual drugstore you should fair-minded liquidate as regards what the owners of pharmacies to stipend a mountainous army of accounts. Looking for example, they prerequisite to keep their dispensary, they hand down need to profit fee, employees, and so on. If you're, then you induce a unequivocally considerate by-product at a toll that is as make inaccessible to the fee of the manufacturer.

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Kim K. on Kanye romance: It's no 'publicity stunt'

By Us Weekly

Eric Ryan / Getty Images file

They may be in the spotlight, but Kim Kardashian insists her relationship with Kanye West isn't about publicity.

Now hear this, naysayers: Kimye is the real deal!

On part two of the Kardashian family's extensive sit-down with Oprah Winfrey on "Oprah's Next Chapter" on OWN Sunday, Kim Kardashian once again defended her surprisingly intense romance with Kanye West.

Winfrey -- familiar with the 31-year-old's penchant for lightning fast romances that often fizzle out -- asked the reality star, "Is Kanye West your new fairy tale?"

VIDEO: Kim explains what she loves most about Kanye

Explained Kim: "We met almost a decade ago, we've known each other for a very long time, we've been friends for six or seven years," she said of the Grammy-winning rapper, 35. "I don't know why it took us so long to get together. I think we've always had an attraction to each other, but we've always been in other relationships or it wasn't the right timing."

PHOTOS: Kim and Kanye's cutest moments

Kardashian's most talked-about relationship was with Kris Humphries, from whom she filed for divorce last October after just 72 days.

"One day it (the relationship with West) just happened," she offered. "It took me by surprise."

And it's anything but a publicity stunt, she insisted to Winfrey. "It's your heart you're playing with," she said. "I couldn't sacrifice my heart for a publicity stunt."

PHOTOS: Why they're perfect for each other

Although she denied talk of an imminent wedding or plans to move in together, she admitted, "To have him in my life this way, says a lot about us."

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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Utah, Colo. fires keep thousands from homes

Firefighters struggled on Saturday to contain wind-stoked wildfires that forced the evacuation of more than 2,000 people in Utah and 1,000 more in Colorado.

Fanned by winds, the so-called Dump Fire about 35 miles south of Salt Lake City, Utah grew to 5,600 acres on Saturday from 4,000 late Friday, and was only about 30 percent contained, Bureau of Land Management spokeswoman Cami Lee said.

In neighboring Colorado, firefighters grappling with the High Park Fire, a 75,537-acre blaze burning in steep mountain canyons west of Fort Collins, braced for another round of hot temperatures, low humidity and erratic winds on Saturday.

Late Friday afternoon, wind-stoked flames jumped containment lines and roared through a subdivision, destroying an estimated nine homes, Larimer County Sheriff's Office spokesman John Schulz said.

About 1,000 evacuation notices went out Friday night due to the fire's run.

The additional property losses bring to 200 the number of dwellings lost in the two weeks since the lightning-sparked blaze was first spotted in Colorado.

The Utah fire is burning primarily south and west of Saratoga Springs, where wind gusts of up to 35 miles per hour were expected to confound firefighting efforts, Lee said.

Officials say target shooters triggered the blaze near a city landfill on Thursday. It is the 20th fire in Utah started by target shooting this year, they said.

On Saturday, officials revised down substantially the number of people evacuated in Saratoga Springs and nearby Eagle Mountain. Some 588 homes were evacuated in the two towns on Friday affecting up to 2,500 residents, according to Jason Curry of Utah's office of Forestry, Fire and State Lands.

On Friday, officials had said up to 9,000 people were evacuated. The substantial change followed a more accurate count, Curry said.

Utah officials will decide later in the day if any residents will be allowed to return home, Lee said.

"We're waiting to see what the winds do," she said. "We have a lot of unburned areas between the fire area and the homes and with the high winds, things can always change quickly."

Some 450 firefighters were on the ground Saturday in Utah, with support from two air tankers and several helicopters, Lee said. One firefighter had suffered minor burns, but no other injuries had been reported.

The Colorado fire is blamed for the death of a 62-year-old grandmother who perished in her mountain cabin. The High Park Fire is already the state's most destructive and the second-largest on record in Colorado.

Incident commander Bill Hahnenberg said crews deployed in the narrow Colorado canyons had to retreat on Friday when the fire blew up and they could no longer protect homes.

"We had a very difficult time," Hahnenberg said.

The fire is burning on private land and on sections of the Roosevelt National Forest.

Although federal authorities say the fire season got off to an early start this summer in parts of the Northern Rockies, the acreage burned nationwide is about on par with the 10-year average for this time of year, according to fire agency records.

The biggest by far is the Whitewater-Baldy Complex fire in New Mexico, that state's largest on record, which has charred almost 300,000 acres. That blaze is nearly 90 percent contained.

Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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Coillte's Off-Road Cycling Strategy | Donegal Mountain Biking Club

The Donegal Mountain Biking Club would like to warmly welcome the efforts of Coillte in designating forests outside Letterkenny for mountain biking trail developments. Mountain biking is a sport that has seen exponential growth locally and internationally in recent years and has continued to demonstrate the ability to generate tourism revenue in areas with a well developed trail infrastructure.

The Strategy announced by Coillte today will be a huge boost to Mountain Biking in Ireland

Although the bye-laws regarding general cycling access in forests remain unchanged in the national cycling strategy, the Club would like to whole heartedly applaud the efforts of local Coillte representatives and Coillte representatives on a national basis in a highly positive step forward for mountain biking nationally. The proximity of the proposed site to Donegal?s capital town will further enhance the ability of the centre to attract short break tourism by providing accomdation and other recreational services close by.

Donegal Mountain Biking Club would also like to commend the work of Joe McHugh in driving this project forward and Donegal County Council for their work in funding applications. Although there are still considerable obstacles to overcome before the project is realised, the Club are confident that a solid foundation has been established that will benefit the county considerably as well as the sport of mountain biking itself.

If You wish to read the Strategy in full then please visit:

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Friday, June 22, 2012

Wonderful Strategies For Conference Your Online Web hosting ...

Considering the time that any specialist website is going to be up and running after it?s lastly kicked-away from, it only is practical to select your online host intelligently. It?s not uncommon for folks to rush into this choice and regret afterwards, when their websites grow to be well-known along with the hosts minimize their data transfer or require more money. This short article will instruct you on how to prevent some frequent pitfalls like that and get ready for a much brighter domain name.

Regardless how trustworthy your host is, you should always use a support of the data files on your computer system or on yet another web server. When your hold decreases for too much time, it will be possible to open a new accounts and add your website again rather than awaiting your hold to come back on-line.

Stay away from totally free hosting professional services. These types of services assist themselves by putting advertising on top of each of the websites they host. These commercials may possibly annoy your online visitors or create your internet site seem less than professional. Additionally, some free of charge hosts may possibly constrain the volume of commercial content permitted about the websites that they variety.

If your hosting service provider provides a deal that appears to be excellent to be true, it most likely is. No supplier will offer unrestricted space for storing or endless bandwidth, therefore if a variety promises to supply these, they are likely scamming you. Search for a hold that gives far more reasonable providers.

Start to stress when your host site or internet site drops to get a period of time beyond twenty four hours. Usually outages tend not to last this extended, so it might be a clue that you have even bigger difficulties going on with your web host. You can check other web sites to discover details about your hold site?s black outs, plus the reason behind the interruption.

If you would like create your blog using a certain application, be sure that the world wide web number you end up picking works with it. Not every web host will help every writing a blog software program. The style in the running a blog computer software that you have your cardiovascular system set up on is probably not available from one other program maintained by the net number. So prior to you making your final decision, check if your writing a blog software program is guaranteed.

You must validate that all of the information that may be kept on the net host?s hosts is effectively supported. This is certainly especially vital when you are jogging an internet business, and need to keep client facts about directories located on the website host. Ask what precautions have been in position in the event of a flame or natural tragedy. Guarantee that the hosts are redundantly supported in numerous geographical areas.

When you are now mindful reading this article earlier mentioned, deciding on a web host may not be cut and dried out. There are many components that define a web-based hosting service and in case you are unaware of these items, you could wind up paying out a lot more cash.

When you have experienced, choosing the right hosting assistance often means the difference in between good results and failing for the internet site. Before making this significant decision, you should do your quest and learn more about hosting.

Placed merely, every single site requires a number of essential aspects, one of which is website hosting. It can be regarded as the most significant mainly because that without it, websites are not able to achieve the Web. You should know much more about hosting after reading this short article and also place your site online without difficulty.

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Help Yourself With Some Home Improvement Tips | Seo Site Manager

Check all your power tools before operating them. Look at all the safety guides and protections. Sometimes professionals will remove safety guides from their power tools because they think this makes their job easier. Make sure all of your safety guides are attached and in working order before operating any power tool.

Devote some time into weather-stripping your home. Even though your house might be insulated, there are probably small crevices around windows and doors through which air will leak. That means your house will lose cool air during the summer and warm air during the winter, leading to a higher energy bill when you run heating and cooling appliances. Weather-stripping your doors and windows will keep that from happening.

When you reorganize your garage, make a clean sweep. Take everything out rather than just shuffling junk around inside the garage. By doing it this way, you can examine all of your stored treasures and decide which ones you can get rid of to make better use of your storage space.

Improving your home with an upgrade to outdated appliances can be a beautification to your home as well as a money saver over time. Energy efficient appliances can save you hundreds of dollars a year, and that can pay for the upgrade in less time than you might think.

A key tip to an excellent home improvement painting project is to paint like a professional. Use the proper tools for the job and do not take shortcuts. If you were a master painter you could probably do the job in half the time, but take your time in order to do it like a professional would.

Do not skip scraping off old flaking paint before beginning your painting project. Painting over old flaking paint will never yield good results. Go buy a paint scraper and scrape off the old paint before starting. Then take a sander and sand down any rough areas so that your new paint coat will look good.

Here is a great tip to get rid of mineral build up in faucets. Simply create a mixture of lemon juice and vinegar and soak the head of the faucet in the mixture. The mixture will dissolve the mineral build up and eliminate any hard water that may be coming through the faucet head.

Before you embark on a home improvement project, consider the impact on your home?s resale value. For example, converting your garage into a living room may make sense for your immediate needs, but many home buyers are turned off by this sort of addition. Even if you don?t plan on selling immediately, circumstances can change, and you may have to spend additional money getting your home back to the way it was.

For an unique alternative to wood flooring, consider covering your floor with brown kraft paper. You can find a variety of techniques described on the internet. Generally, the kraft paper is adhered to the floor with white glue. It can be painted or stained before you apply several coats of polyurethane to seal it.

Do-it-yourself hardwood floor installation is especially tempting for homeowners who want to save money by tackling the project on their own. This is fine for most faux-wood kits but if you are using actual wood that must be sanded first, it may be best to hire a professional to handle the sanding. Real wood is quite expensive, and even the smallest sanding goof can ruin the flooring.

Displaying buttons on a spice rack can be a great way to give your home a cottage style feel, as well as, making a focal point in your living room. Buy some small old fashioned apothecary jars and fill them with buttons assorted by color. Arrange them in a pleasing manner on your spice rack and you have yourself, a great focal point.

Great home-improvement jobs start with great ideas. If you do not know where to start or think that you need help with doing your home improvements, then consult an interior designer to help. They have the knowledge of color schemes, designs, and overall layouts that are trendy and unique to help you with your project.

Install radiant heat under your new tile floors. There are kits available for the do-it-yourself homeowner, and it?s really not rocket science. It will make a dramatic difference in the ?wow? factor of your home both to guests and to potential buyers. Invite them to take their shoes off and feel the heat!

You can see now that there are very simple steps that you can take right away to increase the overall worth and appearance of your home, even if you are operating on a shoestring budget! Put some of these suggestions into practice for a more attractive and manicured home.

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Mo. Senate Candidate Donated to ?Extreme? Animal Rights Group

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Qaeda says it killed chief of Yemen offensive: monitors

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Stoner Channel: Monsters Go to College, Anonymous Won't March, and the GOP Blocks MMJ [Video]

More »

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If You're Rich and Republican and Support Romney?

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Europe, China worries dampen Asia business sentiment in second quarter: survey

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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Shenzhou 9 Sparks Renewed Debate On Space Race With China

I won't be counting out the USA with such a broad brush

Remember, when they sent out the astronauts to the moon, the computing power of the entire space module is less than a 386 chip

Today, even a not-so-smart phone has computing power much more than the 386

In other words, if USA wants to go to moon today, it no longer has to do it from scratch

Correct, but modern engineering is plagued by over-engineering, design by committee, and (when the government is involved) pork. For example, Congressional funding for NASA and the military specify which districts the components are made in. We also demand better safety and testing (which takes time) where sometimes the gadgets broke. Safety isn't a bad thing. But in 1969 we were willing to risk 3 men's lives with a reasonable probability they would 1) crash 2) get stranded or 3) overshoot the moon and keep going (all of which results in them dying).

There was a time when the right mix of brains, creativity, and guts came together. Since then, we've gotten smarter but (with respect to NASA) less creative and more risk-adverse.

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Testimony nears end in Sandusky's abuse trial

Dottie Sandusky, the wife of Jerry Sandusky, arrives the at the Centre County Courthouse, in Bellefonte, Pa. Tuesday, June 19, 2012, for Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse trial. Sandusky is charged with 51 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Centre Daily Times, Nabil K. Mark)

Dottie Sandusky, the wife of Jerry Sandusky, arrives the at the Centre County Courthouse, in Bellefonte, Pa. Tuesday, June 19, 2012, for Jerry Sandusky's sexual abuse trial. Sandusky is charged with 51 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Centre Daily Times, Nabil K. Mark)

Former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky leaves the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, June 19, 2012. Sandusky is charged with 51 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Dorothy Sandusky, wife of former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, center, arrives at the Centre County Courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, June 19, 2012. Jerry Sandusky is charged with 51 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

Prosecutor Joseph E. McGettigan III arrives at the Centre County Courthouse, in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, June 19, 2012, for former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky's trial. Sandusky is charged with 51 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Centre Daily Times, Nabil K. Mark)

Judge John Cleland smiles at a Centre County Sheriff's deputy as he arrives at the courthouse in Bellefonte, Pa., Tuesday, June 19, 2012, for former Penn State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky's trial. Sandusky is charged with 51 counts of child sexual abuse involving 10 boys over a period of 15 years. (AP Photo/Centre Daily Times, Nabil K. Mark)

(AP) ? Jerry Sandusky had an inspiring reputation for helping youth, and boasted such a soft spot for children that he invited them to watch Penn State football games and spend the night at his home, witnesses for the retired coach testified at his child molestation trial.

On Wednesday, Sandusky might finally tell his side of the story in court.

Testimony appears to be nearing an end. Judge John Cleland has said Sandusky's defense team could wrap up Wednesday, which would mean closing statements taking place Thursday and deliberations beginning that afternoon. It's still unclear whether Sandusky will testify on his own behalf.

So far, defense attorneys have called on a parade of character witnesses and tried to discredit police investigators in trying to counter the graphic testimony of eight accusers. Their most notable witness to date ? Sandusky's wife, Dottie, smiled as she took the witness stand Tuesday to defend him against charges he sexually abused boys in their home and on Penn State's campus.

Dottie Sandusky said she remembered most but not all of the eight men who have accused her husband of abusing them as children. She told jurors she did not see him have inappropriate contact with them over the years they visited the couple's home or traveled with them.

In a calm voice, she described her 45-year marriage to the former Penn State assistant football coach, but lead prosecutor Joe McGettigan appeared to stump her when he asked why the men might lie in making the accusations.

"I don't know what it would be for," she said, with a slight shake of her head. Early on in her testimony, defense attorney Joseph Amendola, who typically questioned witnesses at the defense table, stood up to question her near the jury box ? which put her husband out of her direct sightline during most of her hour on the witness stand.

A large portion of the day's testimony, which included 11 more character witnesses, consisted of a defense psychologist, Elliott Atkins, who told jurors he believes Jerry Sandusky has a personality disorder that might explain letters addressed to one of his accusers.

Prosecutors countered with psychiatrist Dr. John Sebastian O'Brien II, who said that was not the case but that he might suffer from some other problem, possibly psychosexual disorder with a focus on pre-adolescents.

Sandusky is charged with dozens of criminal counts related to 10 boys over a 15-year span. He's accused of engaging in illegal sexual contact ranging from fondling to forced oral and anal sex, and he could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted.

Dottie Sandusky has stood by her husband, posting his bail, accompanying him to court proceedings and in December issuing a statement that proclaimed his innocence and said that accusers were making up their stories.

Part of the defense strategy is clearly to show that the details of accusers' stories are wrong, but Dottie Sandusky was unable to say with much preciseness how often certain boys would stay in the couple's State College home. She said one of the boys, called Victim 10 in court records, she did not know at all.

She described Victim 1 as "clingy," Victim 9 as "a charmer" and Victim 4 as "very conniving, and he wanted his way and he didn't listen a whole lot."

Victim 9 testified last week that he was attacked by Jerry Sandusky in the basement of the ex-coach's home and cried out for help when Dottie Sandusky was upstairs. She, however, said the basement was not soundproof and she would have been able to hear shouting if she was upstairs.

Dottie Sandusky, who isn't charged in the case, also said the visiting boys were free to sleep upstairs if they wanted to do so. The accusers have said Jerry Sandusky directed them to the basement, where they allege he sometimes molested them.

Police handling of an initial interview with Victim 4 may have helped the defense. Now-retired Cpl. Joseph A. Leiter testified police "never told any of them what anyone else had ever told us" before jurors were played a tape of that interview, in which Leiter told Victim 4 that they had been told by others that oral sex and a rape had occurred. Leiter also said that "in some of our interviews ... we did" tell accusers that others had come forward.

"Each of these accusers was very, very seriously injured, and very concerned, and we had told them ? especially prior to going to the grand jury ? that they wouldn't be alone, that there were others," he said.

Also, Leiter told jurors after a recess that he had discussed his testimony with Trooper Scott Rossman over the break, shortly after Rossman told jurors that such a discussion had not occurred.

Victim 4's attorney, Ben Andreozzi, was there the day of that initial interview, and he told jurors a guilty verdict in Sandusky's trial could have an impact on his client if he files a civil lawsuit. He said a decision about a lawsuit has not been made.

The potential for accusers to cash in through a civil lawsuit is part of Sandusky's defense strategy, suggesting to the jury that the accusers have motives to lie.

A witness told jurors that she knew Victim 4 through her brother and that he had a reputation for "dishonesty and embellished stories." The woman, who said her brother was the accuser's best friend, is an Iraq war veteran who suffered a brain injury before she was discharged.

Witness Joshua Frabel, who lived next door to Victim 1, recalled that the young man's mother said she had just heard Sandusky molested her child and that she would end up owning Sandusky's house.

"She had said about, when all this settles out, she'll have a nice big house in the country with a fence, and the dogs can run free," he said.

He added that Victim 1 told him: "When this is over, I'll have a nice new Jeep."

The mother took the witness stand to deny it, and Victim 1 denied it last week during his testimony.

The defense also called former New York Jets linebacker Lance Mehl, who played for the Nittany Lions in the 1970s. When Amendola asked him about Sandusky's reputation, he replied, "We all looked up to him as a class act."

Prosecutors allege that Sandusky met his alleged victims through The Second Mile, a charity he founded. It once was lauded for its efforts to help at-risk children.

Experts have said that having Sandusky himself testify could be a risk, especially given that he would face tough cross-examination from McGettigan, a seasoned prosecutor. Statements made by Sandusky in an interview in November with NBC's Bob Costas could also hurt him.

NBC this week said prosecutors had contacted a network lawyer asking to re-authenticate a full unedited transcript of the interview, including an unaired portion.

"Many more young people who would come forward and say that my methods and ... what I had done for them made a very positive impact on their life," Sandusky said in one exchange that went unaired, according to NBC. "And I didn't go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I've helped. There are many that I didn't have ? I hardly had any contact with who I have helped in many, many ways."

Prosecutors rested their case Monday after presenting 21 witnesses, including eight who said they had been assaulted by Sandusky. The identities of two other people prosecutors say were victims are unknown to investigators. The defense has called 24 witnesses.

Sandusky's arrest led the university trustees to fire football coach Joe Paterno in November, saying his response to a 2001 report from team assistant Mike McQueary about seeing Sandusky in a shower with a boy showed a lack of leadership. Paterno, who said he wished he had done more, died of cancer in January.

Sandusky has acknowledged showering with boys but says he didn't molest them.

Associated Press

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Monday, June 18, 2012

The Note's Must-Reads for Monday, June 18, 2012

[ [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 2]], '', '[Slideshow: See photos taken on the way down]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['Connery is an experienced stuntman', 7]], '', '[Slideshow: Death-defying daredevils]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['know that we have confidence in', 3]], ' ', '[Related: The Secret Service guide to Cartagena]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['We picked up this other dog and', 5]], '', '[Related: 8 common dog fears, how to calm them]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 5]], '', '[Related: Did WH share raid details with filmmakers?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['accused of running a fake hepatitis B', 3]], '', '[Factbox: AQAP, al-Qaeda in Yemen]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have my contacts on or glasses', 3]], '', '[Related: Should the murder charge be dropped?]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 5]], '', '[Related: Bristol Palin reality show debuts June 19]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['have made this nation great as Sarah Palin', 1]], '', '[Related: McCain adviser who vetted Palin weighs in on VP race]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['A JetBlue flight from New York to Las Vegas', 3]], '', '[Related: View photos of the JetBlue plane in Amarillo]', ' ', '630', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 15]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['Titanic', 7]], '', ' ', '', '550', ' ', ' ', ], [ [['He was in shock and still strapped to his seat', 6]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '630', ' ', 'AP', ], [ [['xxxxxxxxxxxx', 11]], '', 'Click image to see more photos', '', '500', ' ', 'AP', ] ]

[ [ [['did not go as far his colleague', 8]], '29438204', '0' ], [ [[' the 28-year-old neighborhood watchman who shot and killed', 4]], '28924649', '0' ], [ [['because I know God protects me', 14], ['Brian Snow was at a nearby credit union', 5]], '28811216', '0' ], [ [['The state news agency RIA-Novosti quoted Rosaviatsiya', 6]], '28805461', '0' ], [ [['measure all but certain to fail in the face of bipartisan', 4]], '28771014', '0' ], [ [['matter what you do in this case', 5]], '28759848', '0' ], [ [['presume laws are constitutional', 7]], '28747556', '0' ], [ [['has destroyed 15 to 25 houses', 7]], '28744868', '0' ], [ [['short answer is yes', 7]], '28746030', '0' ], [ [['opportunity to tell the real story', 7]], '28731764', '0' ], [ [['entirely respectable way to put off the searing constitutional controversy', 7]], '28723797', '0' ], [ [['point of my campaign is that big ideas matter', 9]], '28712293', '0' ], [ [['As the standoff dragged into a second day', 7]], '28687424', '0' ], [ [['French police stepped up the search', 17]], '28667224', '0' ], [ [['Seeking to elevate his candidacy back to a general', 8]], '28660934', '0' ], [ [['The tragic story of Trayvon Martin', 4]], '28647343', '0' ], [ [['Karzai will get a chance soon to express', 8]], '28630306', '0' ], [ [['powerful storms stretching', 8]], '28493546', '0' ], [ [['basic norm that death is private', 6]], '28413590', '0' ], [ [['songwriter also saw a surge in sales for her debut album', 6]], '28413590', '1', 'Watch music videos from Whitney Houston ', 'on Yahoo! Music', '' ], [ [['keyword', 99999999999999999999999]], 'videoID', '1', 'overwrite-pre-description', 'overwrite-link-string', 'overwrite-link-url' ] ]

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